Using Hair Analysis and Blood Testing
Hair Analysis Very Helpful in Identifying Autism, ADD and ADHD
This study sampled the hair in 116 children with and without Attention Deficit Disorder and/or Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and found that a magnesium deficiency occurred in 95% of the children who had one or both of these two disease patterns. Hair magnesium was more accurate in identifying deficiency then was blood testing.
In another study, it was found that hair analysis was quite accurate in diagnosing autism or autistic-like conditions in children.
Other studies have shown the effectiveness of both magnesium and vitamin B6 therapy in children suffering from autism.
Source of this Research: Martineau, J., Long-Term Effects of Combined Vitamin B6 – Magnesium administration in an Autistic Child. Biol. Psyc. 21, 1986 and Kosielec, Magnesium Res. 10,2, 1997.
Dr. Martin’s Comment: I have been very successful in the treatment of various autism spectrum issues, anxiety, depression, phobias, insomnia, and ADD/ADHD. My treatment approach is to use homeopathy, neurotransmitter testing, blood tests, and hair analysis. I also look closely at diet and nutrition and eliminate all artificial ingredients, sugar, white flour, gluten and dairy. The program has seen tremendous success.
In adults, I also add acupuncture to balance the energy pathways, called meridians, to re-align the chakra energy centers in the body, and help to create clear thinking, strengthen digestion, and boost immunity.
Hair Analysis and ADD, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia
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